Monday, October 26, 2009

changing the diet

Okay so everyday I start with coffee and sometimes breakfast at the Villager in downtown Chester. Now when I say breakfast during the week that would consist of a muffin - bran when I am being good or chocolate when I am not - or a bagel with cream cheese. Often times, however, I just go with the coffee and head off to work, which starts the downward spiral to starvation... which leads to really poor food choices later in the day. Peanut M & M's usually help me get through the afternoon and by the time I get home I am ravenous and pick as I am preparing dinner. After dinner, around say 9 p.m., I have my treat of the day which is usually something chocolate, cookies, cake, ice cream, or pie - I love pie!

Clearly my diet needs tweaking, although I must say I do not really eat horribly. I do skip meals and like chocolate, but I love fruits, vegetables, and fish. I skip meals because I am busy and I make quick dinners or eat out often again because I am busy and it's convenient.

Then Rachel explained how important eating the right foods really is. Not allowing your body to be hungry is very important. Nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day. She turned me on to these great wraps by La Tortilla that are high in fiber and actually taste great. My favorite is the tomato basil. I love them for breakfast with scrambled egg and egg whites, spinach, tomato, and red peppers. Kyle, who owns "The Villager" - a fabulous little restaurant in Chester's center - uses the wraps to create the most appetizing healthy breakfasts for me, as evidenced by these photos! I call it "Losin the Jiggle Wrap". If I don't want eggs I will have a Fiber One english muffin - a bit cardboardy to me - but peanut butter makes it better. I use the wraps at lunch and dinner as well. It is a change but so far not awful. It just takes a little more planning and bringing those "good foods" with you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

what was I thinking?

Well all pumped up after my first sculpting class on Saturday morning, and for my new plan to "lose the jiggle"! That afternoon, I headed to Naragansett with Bruce and my friend Anna to visit my sister-in-law at the beach. We had a great night, dinner at Turtle Soup, I choose the boneless chicken with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes rather than the fried scallops. I was so proud of myself - eight hours and still committed!
Sunday morning I woke up and headed for the bathroom before a walk along the beach...and that's when it happened. As I sat on down on the toilet I felt some pain in my thighs and I could barely stand up. The rest of the day it got worse, the stairs - oh my- the stairs. Three flights at the beach condo and two flights to the top of the coast guard restaurant. I thought I would die. And just when I couldn't take it anymore, my abs started to hurt!! What had I done?!

Now it was also dawning on me.... I had signed up for another sculpting class on Monday morning at 10 a.m., when I was all high on going from "fattie to hottie" in about 12 weeks! Well 10 a.m. on Monday came before I knew it. My achy abs and thighs were on time and ready for more abuse. The others - all who have gone before me and lived through the t.t.'s aka toilet thighs as I now know they are called- were raring to go. I was the newbie and they assured me that this - the t.t.'s - too shall pass. I believe a nice way of saying "Suck it up!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sculpting, where's the clay?

It all began with Millie. Millie is my friend - energetic and enthusiastic. Always finding classes for us to take, from painting to cupcake decorating. So when she asked if I would take a Sculpting Class. I thought it sounded fun.

It was the night before the class when I asked where the class was, assuming an art studio near some great restuarant where we could have lunch, when she told me it was at Rachel Ryan's Fitness. Just like that, my excitement bubble burst. Now please understand, I don't like to exercise, I mean, I like to walk with friends or my dogs, or ride a bike on vacation, but actually go to the gym?... not so much. I have been a member of the gym for a few months, but joined so I could do my exercises for physical therapy and walk on the treadmill when my jeans felt excessively tight. Anyway, I was thinking sculpting, like a sculpture with clay or some other sculpting medium. Needless to say there was going to be no magnificent bust making or great lunch, just sweat, pain, and maybe a cup of coffee after.

Well Saturday morning came and I met Mill at the gym. The class was well attended and actually quite fun. There was pain and sweat, took a few little breaks (see photo) when I could, but I survived.
After class I talked with Rachel, who had bought the gym a few months prior. She was going to be offering more classes and encouraged me to continue. We talked about my desire to lose a little weight, tone up, and how difficult I have found it to ever stick with dieting or exercise. She explained how she could help with all of that and how it could be achieved in about 12 weeks if I was committed to it. The endorphins from exercising had clearly gone to my brain, I was hooked and boarding the get "Get Fit Train to Skinny Jeansville" by the time we got our coffee.